
Meeting with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Type: News

Municipality: Deir El Ahmar Region Municipalities Union

Town: Deir El Ahmar Region

Publication Date: 2023-11-21

The Union of Municipalities of the Deir El Ahmar region, in the presence of its president, lawyer Jean Fakhri, and the head of the municipality of Deir El Ahmar, Mr. Latif Kozah, received the director of the Bekaa office at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Mrs. Gwendoline Mensah and the relations coordinator, Mr. Paul Sawaya, and the official in the protection department, Mrs. Gokce Sarayedin, where they discussed the challenges facing the municipalities, as well as the burdens they incur as a result of the presence of Syrian refugee camps in the region. The possibility of coordination and finding proposals for solutions were discussed.
