
A tour of the Minister of Social Affairs in the Deir El Ahmar area

Type: News

Municipality: Deir El Ahmar Region Municipalities Union

Town: Deir El Ahmar Region

Publication Date: 2023-10-23

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A tour by His Excellency the Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Hector Hajjar and his work team in the Deir El Ahmar area, where they began visiting the headquarters of the Maronite Diocese of Baalbeck, Deir El Ahmar, and were received by the diocese’s pastor, Bishop Hanna Rahme, Monsignor Paul Kayrouz, and a number of priests, in the presence of Deputy Dr. Antoine Habchi, the head of the Union of Municipalities of the Deir El Ahmar region, lawyer Jean Fakhry, and a number of mayors of the region.

After that, everyone moved to the center of the Union of Municipalities of the Deir El Ahmar region, then the Caritas region center in the northern Bekaa, the food processing center, the Rosary Rosary, then the shrine of Our Lady of Bechwet and He participated in the SMA association’s workshop dedicated to the pilot presentation of the website of the union, municipalities and the local community, and then the Knights of Malta health center in Barqa and its agricultural project in Btedhi, all the way to the Social Affairs Center in Chlifa.

All demands during this round revolved around the region’s needs for social support through establishing a social services center in the region. Its needs.
